Positive Parenting 101: Toddlers (1-2 years old)

You've seen your little one take those first wobbly steps, smile that heart-melting grin, and wave "bye-bye" with the cutest little hand. This week we’re looking at positive parenting tips for toddlers.

Positive Parenting Tips for Toddlers:

  1. Read and Bond: Reading is a fantastic bonding experience for you and your toddler. Set aside time for daily reading sessions and watch their imagination take flight.

  2. Talk and Teach: Engage your toddler in conversation. Encourage them to find objects, name things around the house, and share their thoughts. These little talks are like building blocks for their growing vocabulary.

  3. Puzzle Play: Simple puzzles and shape sorting games are both fun and educational. They help your toddler learn while having a blast.

  4. Embrace Curiosity: Let your little one explore and try new things. This is their time to discover the world around them, so encourage their curiosity and stand in awe of their discoveries.

  5. Language Learning: Your toddler's language skills are developing rapidly. Be their language guide by talking with them and adding to their words. Transform their "baba" into "Yes, that's a bottle!" and watch them flourish.

  6. Praise Positive Behavior: Respond and praise wanted behaviors more often than you punish unwanted behaviors. Be sure to only use very brief time outs. Always tell or show your child what she should do instead!

  7. Independence Boost: As your toddler yearns for independence, let them explore dressing themselves and feeding. These mini triumphs fuel their confidence and sense of accomplishment.

Remember, this journey is all about embracing the moments and celebrating each step forward. With these positive parenting tips, you're laying the foundation for a joyful, curious, and confident little explorer.

Embrace this adventure, learn as you go, and remember, you're not alone on this rollercoaster ride of love and growth. To learn more about developmental milestones, positive parenting, and child safety tips, visit: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/childdevelopment/positiveparenting/toddlers.html.