Little Bugs, Big Problems

While we enjoy nature during our family hikes and adventures, it's crucial to acknowledge and prepare for a growing concern in our neck of the woods: ticks.

Ticks, those tiny bugs, can carry not-so tiny diseases. According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), deer ticks tend to thrive in shady, damp areas close to the ground. They can lurk in your yard, garden, and along woodland edges, among other places. So, it's not difficult to imagine a tick latching on during a delightful summer excursion.

Thankfully, there are simple and effective measures you can take to safeguard yourself and your loved ones from potential tick encounters. Here are a few recommendations from the DEC:

  1. Opt for light-colored clothing: Wearing light-colored clothes allows you to spot these minuscule critters before they find their way onto your skin.

  2. Cover up: Choose footwear that fully covers your feet (flip-flops and sandals can wait for another occasion). Additionally, long-sleeve shirts and pants act as barriers, keeping ticks at bay.

  3. Tuck it in: Take an extra step by tucking your pant legs into your shoes and your shirt into your pants. This simple act helps minimize exposure to ticks.

  4. Regular inspections: While you're out and about, make it a habit to frequently pause and examine your clothes and skin for any hitchhiking bugs.

  5. Stick to the path: Stay on designated trails and avoid venturing into wooded or overgrown areas. This precaution reduces the likelihood of encountering ticks.

  6. Manage your mane: If you have long hair, keep it tied up or put it in a bun. This helps prevent ticks from making their way into your hair.

  7. Prompt showers: Whenever possible, aim to shower or bathe within two hours of being outdoors. This way, you can wash off any lurking ticks and promptly detect them.

  8. Thorough checks: At the end of each day, conduct a comprehensive tick check on yourself, your little ones, and even your furry friends. Vigilance is key!

  9. Mindful use of insect repellent: Consider using insect repellent on your clothing, but remember to read and follow the instructions on the label carefully.

In the unfortunate event that you or a child does encounter a tick, remain calm and take immediate action to remove it properly. Be sure to monitor for any symptoms that may arise afterward and, as always, contact your doctor with any questions or concerns. With these tips in mind, you can embrace the joys of summer in Cortland while minimizing the risks associated with ticks. Stay safe, be vigilant, and savor the beauty of nature that surrounds us!