Safely Riding through the Summer

Summer is the perfect time for family bike adventures! It's a fantastic opportunity to share a learning moment with your child as they learn to ride. When getting their first bike, ensure it's the right size for comfort—a flat-footed straddle is ideal.

Safety is paramount, so always wear helmets, regardless of age. Discuss the importance of helmets with your child as a valuable safety measure. For the perfect fit, bring your child along when purchasing the helmet.

Once you're geared up, here are some safety tips for riding:

  • Keep hands on the handlebars at all times.

  • Check for traffic before crossing roads or driveways.

  • Opt for routes with minimal traffic or enjoy parks.

  • Walk, don't ride, across busy intersections and use crosswalks.

  • Stay in bike lanes when available.

  • Give parked cars enough space to avoid unexpected door openings.

  • Obey traffic rules and stop at red lights.

  • Ride in single-file for safety.

  • When passing other bikers, do so on their left while announcing "On your left!"

Remember to wear appropriate clothing and protective gear for biking, skating, or skateboarding.

Let's make this summer full of unforgettable and safe outdoor experiences with the whole family!